Friday, October 8, 2010


        My motivation was of a character from my favorite book as a child and I planned on creating a "cheap" gift. Originally I wanted to do one of the the "wild things" but I figured Max would be a better choice to give as a gift. Just because he is the main character and is most identifiable with the book. I got the colors and the features from a picture I sampled off the internet. I didnt really have to worry about the hue, value and saturation, I just used the eye droppper to get the colors I wanted. I started with the body color then moved on to the face color and added the face detail, I then moved on to the crown color and lastly I did the hand and feet features. I still need to make a crown and tail so I'm not finished. 
         As for a story for the character it has already been written, and was and is a major part of childrens literature. I think that cubeecraft is a really cool idea, and it does feed into a need to be able to create and see ideas in a 3 dimensional form. I think its really a fun project and I look forward to doing more on my own.

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