Friday, October 29, 2010


For the poster project I chose to do movie posters, because I love movies and Im a huge movie buff. I also love the look of movie posters especially old bad horror movies. This was the motive behind my Spaghetti Tuesday poster. I got the idea for spaghetti tuesday from a market I drive by all the time that boasts about having the best spaghetti but they only serve on tuesday. I always thought this would be a good band name so I was tempted to do a band poster but I thought it would make a better movie poster.
As for my technique I liked how in the Stenberg brothers posters things overlapped and were oddly placed. Which I kind of did in my uncle sam poster with the phone placement. Originally that poster was meant to be a propaganda poster but I wasnt sure where I was going with it. I just liked the idea of "Its for you" instead of "I want you".  I also used lines in this poster to lead to Uncle Sam to drawing the eye there.
Overall the affect I wanted to create for my audience was to humor them, movies are entertaining so I figured the movie poster should be too. I think the Spaghetti Tuesday is my best poster and conveys my theme the best. It fits the bad old movie poster look I was going for and also is so ridiculous that its funny.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I feel I learned the different things from both projects. In "Alphabet Soup" I learned to see things in a different way and to think outside the box, in order to create letters through images. In "Picturing the Other" I learned to see people in different ways, and I would have to say that this was my favorite part. When I found out we had to take a picture of a stranger I instantly thought of who I would choose. Everyday I drive by the guy and he is always full of smiles and seems to really enjoy his job and everyday he waves at everyone driving by. I was a little aprehensive about going up to someone and asking to take their picture; as some people can be wierded out by it, but I went up and introduced myself and told him about the project and he was ok with it. I was actually shocked by his reaction and when I was leaving he told me that I had made his day. It was really cool to see how just taking a picture of someone lets you take a glimpse of their life and most people are willing to share that with you.

As for any technical things that I did with my images, I basically just took the picture and messed around with the saturation, color and the exposure on my computer. I haven't had a chance to mess around with my images on Photoshop. I didn't crop any of my pictures or really think too much about lighting.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Going into this project I didn't really have any pre set thoughts on how I was going to create the images. The letters I chose were at complete random and same with the fonts, some of the fonts I chose were serif and I found that those were the most fun to work with. I rasterized three of my five images, I found that this was very beneficial to the creative process and also a lot of fun.

I think Y is my favorite image, I like how when I connected the Ys it created a honeycomb look to it. I like the colors i chose and how the one Y sticks out, I wanted to show what the font looked like when the Ys weren't connected. This image wasn't really thought out it just happened on accident and it turned out to be my favorite.

Friday, October 8, 2010


        My motivation was of a character from my favorite book as a child and I planned on creating a "cheap" gift. Originally I wanted to do one of the the "wild things" but I figured Max would be a better choice to give as a gift. Just because he is the main character and is most identifiable with the book. I got the colors and the features from a picture I sampled off the internet. I didnt really have to worry about the hue, value and saturation, I just used the eye droppper to get the colors I wanted. I started with the body color then moved on to the face color and added the face detail, I then moved on to the crown color and lastly I did the hand and feet features. I still need to make a crown and tail so I'm not finished. 
         As for a story for the character it has already been written, and was and is a major part of childrens literature. I think that cubeecraft is a really cool idea, and it does feed into a need to be able to create and see ideas in a 3 dimensional form. I think its really a fun project and I look forward to doing more on my own.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Photoshop was definitely new to me, I’ve known about it forever but I never actually sat down and used it. So going into the scratch project I had no idea what I was doing and it took me awhile to get used to using all the tools. Going into the project I knew I wanted all the images to all have something in common to tie them together but I wasn’t sure how. I really liked how in “The Mellow Pad” Stuart Davis has the title in the painting, so I decided I would add the word “Scratch” to every image I created because it is the scratch project. I didn’t know what I was going to end up with when I started the project I just sort of played around and ended up with all my images.

I guess I would have to say my favorite image is my 90’s saved by the bell looking image, with all the different music related shapes. This was the last image I created. I used the lasso tool a lot to make this image, which I had stayed away from with the other two. I would have to say the lasso tool is my favorite tool, but I also like how in Photoshop you can layer. The layer tool makes creating an image really fun, because you can build off of  different layers, and if you don’t like what you have you can just delete the layer and not lose any of your previous work.