Sunday, April 17, 2011


Upon first glance I would have said I wanted to be a game tester, however I am not technical savvy at all. So I wouldn't be very good at finding defects or errors in the game. I do love playing video games but not enough to make it my job.
I would probably be better at a marketing job. One because I enjoy advertising, and making a sale. two because i think that would be the more rewarding job, taking the game that has been tested and retested and marketing it toward the consumer.

package  {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class dmfproject extends MovieClip {
var ThingOne:MovieClip;
var ThingTwo:MovieClip;
var ThingThree:MovieClip;
var ThingFour:MovieClip;
var ThingFive:MovieClip;
var ThingSix:MovieClip;
var ThingSeven:MovieClip;
var ThingEight:MovieClip;
var ThingNine:MovieClip;
public function dmfproject() {
// constructor code
ThingOne = new MrP;
ThingTwo = new MrP;
ThingThree = new MrP;
ThingFour = new MrP;
ThingFive = new MrP;
ThingSix = new MrP;
ThingSeven = new MrP;
ThingEight= new MrP;
ThingNine = new MrP;


ThingOne.x = 200;
ThingOne.y = 300;
ThingOne.scaleX =.7;
ThingOne.scaleY =.7;
ThingTwo.x = 150;
ThingTwo.y = 200;
ThingTwo.scaleX =2;
ThingTwo.scaleY =2;
ThingThree.x = 250;
ThingThree.y = 300;
ThingThree.scaleX =.7;
ThingThree.scaleY =.7;
ThingFour.x = 150;
ThingFour.y = 300;
ThingFour.scaleX =.7;
ThingFour.scaleY =.7;
ThingFive.x = 300;
ThingFive.y = 300;
ThingFive.scaleX =.7;
ThingFive.scaleY =.7;
ThingSix.x = 350;
ThingSix.y = 300;
ThingSix.scaleX =.7;
ThingSix.scaleY =.7;
ThingSeven.x = 400;
ThingSeven.y = 300;
ThingSeven.scaleX =.7;
ThingSeven.scaleY =.7;
ThingEight.x = 450;
ThingEight.y = 300;
ThingEight.scaleX =.7;
ThingEight.scaleY =.7;
ThingNine.x = 500;
ThingNine.y = 300;
ThingNine.scaleX =.7;
ThingNine.scaleY =.7;



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